Object-Relational Database Management System
| Up to terabyte database size |
| Post-relational features |
| Tight integration with C++ |
| Automatic scheme evaluation |
| Efficient log-less transactions |
| Zero time recovery |
| Replication support |
| Spatial and time series data types support |
| C, C++, C#, Java, PHP and Perl API |
Graphic browsers and administrative tools for GigaBASE
GigaBASE inherits most of the features of FastDB, but uses page pool
instead of direct mapping of file on virtual memory. So GigaBASE is able to
handle database, which size significantly exceeds size of computer physical
memory. Convenient and flexible C++ interface makes development of
application for GigaBASE very easy and automatic scheme evaluation
simplifies maintenance and modification of the system. GigaBASE merges
best features of relational (simple data structure and non-procedural
query language) and object-oriented (direct object references,
user defined types and methods) databases. GigaBASE is primary oriented
on application requiring fast data retrieving by means of indices and direct
object references, such as Web Server databases applications.
GigaBASE provides all functionality supported by DBMSes:
query language, transactions, concurrent access to the data,
online backups, recovery after faults.
Need something more ?
Please send me a mail
Supported platforms
GigaBASE was tested under Win95/98, WinNT, Win2k, WinXP, Linux, Solaris, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, AIX.
Port to the MAC-OS is in progress (is performed by Wilfried Bernard)
If you port GigaBASE to some other platform, please inform me.
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