Package org.garret.jipc

Interface Summary
JIPCBarrier Barrier sycnhronization object.
JIPCEvent Event synchronization object.
JIPCFactory JIPC session factory.
JIPCLock Synchronization object for setting exlusive and shared locks.
JIPCMutex Synchronization object providing mutual exclusion.
JIPCPrimitive Base class for all synchronizatin primitives.
JIPCQueue FIFO queue primitive.
JIPCSemaphore Classical sempahore with standard set of operations.
JIPCSession JIPC session.
JIPCSharedMemory Shared memory object.

Exception Summary
JIPCClassNotFoundException Excepion thrown when class definition is not found at local system for object (or components of these object) passed through shared memory or queue
JIPCDeadlockException Exception thrown when deadlock is detected by server
JIPCException Base class for all JIPC exceptions
JIPCInternalException Exception thrown in case of some internal JIPC error
JIPCInterruptedException Exception thrown when some of the sessions was interrupted
JIPCInvalidParameterException Exception thrown when some of the method's parameters is invalid
JIPCLoginRefusedException Excepion thrown by client session when handshake with server fails
JIPCNotFoundException Exception thrown when requested primitive is not found at server
JIPCNotOwnerException Exception thrown when session tries to unlock the object for which it is not owner (session is not granted lock for this object)